Sunday, February 4, 2018

Teen Takes Her Own Life After Continuous ‘Bullying’ Over Her Sexuality

She apparently admitted to being bisexual, and people started slamming her on social media.

Bullying is a growing problem that is often ignored and pushed aside by society. Sadly, many students who cannot handle the bullying take their own lives. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.

Facebook user Czarine Santos slammed her sister’s bullies after the latter took her own life. Based on the social media post, the student, Sophia, admitted to being bisexual, and was slammed by others on social media instead.

It is believed that the bullies told the Filipina girl to take her own life in the barrage of homophobia and biphobia they directed at her.

The 17-year-old was also targetted with abuse about her appearance and her gender identity.

Czarine Santos, Sophia’s sister, said that the death has left the family distraught.

The bullying was apparently so severe that Sophia took her own life on January 24, 2018.

Sadly, many teachers and adults turn a blind eye. Instead of protecting and saving the victims, they often ignore the victims’ pleas, prompting them to later take their own lives. May Sophia’s story open the eyes of many and help us fight against bullying.

“It’s been so hard to think and unbelievable what happened to our family,” she wrote.

“The last interaction I had with you was when I asked you if I look okay with my romp shorts and I did notice your pretty haircut. We sang and even laughed.

“I just think of all the things we’ve been together. What memories we had. The best was when I was doing your makeup on your graduation days. I expected to “Berbierized”“you again after two months for your supposed high school graduation but you ended it so soon.”

According to Santos, bullying is present in every school. “This is an awareness post to everyone that bullying at school, regardless if public or private, catholic or not, do exist,” she said on her post. ” Also, an empowerment post about homosexuality.” Apparently, many students also bullied her for her appearance (though she was very beautiful), and her gender confusion.

She added that she was using it as a chance to come out in support of homosexuality.

“I hope you learn from what happened to my sister,” she wrote. “Words can kill a person.

“To all the students who bullied my sister because of her appearance and gender, may you all find peace of mind. You destroyed someone’s future. You destroyed a family.”

She finished the post by calling her sister “beautiful” and added that they would always “love” her “whatever you may become and whoever you will be. I will miss you forever and I will never forget your beautiful eyes and smile.”

The post was liked and shared thousands of times, with people offering their condolences to the Santos family.

14-year-old Electrocuted and Dies after She Charged Her Phone

A teenager has tragically died after being electrocuted in her sleep when she rolled onto her iPhone charging cable.A 14-year-old girl reportedly died after being electrocuted while charging her iPhone 6.

Authorities believe she might’ve rolled over her already defective phone charger while she slept.

Le Thi Xoan was found unconscious by her parents and rushed to hospital where she was later pronounced dead, with electrocution being the official cause.

Police in Hanoi, Vietnam, found a burnt white cable on her bed and said a tear in the rubber casing may have caused the incident.Doctors were also able to confirm her cause of death was by electrocution.

Local police Chief Tran Anh Son said the girl's parents rushed her to a nearby hospital immediately after discovering her unconscious. Medics were unable to revive the teenager and pronounced her dead shortly after.

Many people’s lives revolve around their gadgets nowadays. But who can blame them? We can practically do anything and everything with our phones, and sometimes, losing them or forgetting about them at home can ruin our entire day. At the end of the day, our phones need charging, and for some, the best time to charge them is when we don’t need them: while we sleep.

A Vietnamese mom now regrets allowing her daughter to charge her phone overnight after the latter died of electrocution while sleeping. The mother woke up then 14-year-old Le Thi Xoan to get ready for school, but it struck her as odd when the teen didn’t respond for quite a while. The mother was in shock when she tried to wake her daughter up, but she didn’t respond.

The mother immediately brought her daughter to the hospital. However, doctors pronounced the teen dead as soon as they got there. To their shock, the parents were informed that their daughter had died from electrocution. Apparently, the teen slept beside her charging iPhone.

Authorities later discovered a burnt white cable with visible tears in the rubber casing. At least one of these tears left several live wires exposed. And since Apple accessories can be quite expensive, the victim simply used a tape to cover the exposed part and continued using it.

Though authorities are yet to determine the authenticity of the charger used, police noticed that the cable appeared to be shorter than the Apple’s original 0.5-meter (20-inch) charging device.

Friday, February 2, 2018

19 Year Old Star Gabbi Garcia Was Rushed To Hospital

Gabbi Garcia Reveals Reason Why She Can't Attend Presscon Because Of A Severe Illness And Was Confined In A Hospital.

They say, “Health is wealth” which is certainly true especially in today’s generation. With all the stressful situations and unhealthy lifestyle that most of us have, our health will always be compromised.

Young or old, famous or not, no one can get away from health issues because all of us get sick especially now. That’s why, it is really important for us to invest in our health and stay healthy and fit.

One of the greatest challenges in life is fighting an illness. You wouldn't know when it will happen because everything seems fine up until it becomes severe and you need to take some break in the hustle and bustle of life just to go back to normal health. This is the reason why many of our elders have been saying that staying healthy is one of the most important investments that we should do because even though we have lots of success but not healthy everything is wasted.

This is also the main reason why many showbiz personalities and celebrities are all investing their time and money in achieving an optimum health so that they can enjoy life even more. We can see it every day on social media, our favorite celebrities trying their best to be in the best shape. But sometimes we hear the sad news when one of our favorite celebrities had a severe illness. Just like what recently happened with the famous Encantadia star, Gabbi Garcia. She's been making a buzz all over social media after people heard a sad news about her health condition. People are all surprised and they are now talking about it on social media.

A Twitter story is now going viral all over social media after a news website called Fashion Pulis featured the actress Gabbi Garcia. We all know that the actress is really famous all over the country and many people are following her on social media because of her dazzling beauty and amazing skills.

Despite staying as healthy and fit she can be, Gabbi Garcia is still no exemption from sickness. Many were surprised when the “Encantadia” star was not able to attend the press launch of her new primetime series “Sherlock Jr.”

Since it has become a big issue not just to the fans but also to the press counting on her presence during the event, Gabbi Garcia and her handler revealed the reason why she was not able to attend the press launch.


According to her handler, the 19-year-old Kapuso star was on her way to the press conference when she felt unbearable pain on her back. She was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with kidney infection.

After the statement, Gabbi was also able to answer the questions of some fans telling them that she was confined in the hospital.

Gladly, the Kapuso young actress recovered fast enough and immediately went back to work after regaining a normal health condition.

The post immediately gained the attention of many and fans were wishing her to get well soon. But some of the people are not convinced of her reason because they noticed something in her photo.

Meanwhile, bashers came to rise again and questioned Gabbi’s get up in the hospital. As expected, they made issue out of her cap as to why she’s wearing one in the hospital and even criticized her for wearing make-up despite being ill.

Bashers will be bashers. Let’s not stress ourselves because of them.

Well, let’s just all wish Gabbi Garcia a better health so she can do more projects in the near future.